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Flexigrid multisearch/filter in GC


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 10:43 AM



Just like to know if multisearch/filter is also supported in Flexigrid just like in datatables?  I found an example here:/topic/240-multiple-search-conditions-on-flexigrid/  that will do that but it involves several core files changes.  As much as possible I don't want to change any core files so I'm asking if this is already supported natively.





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Posted 07 February 2013 - 13:31 PM


"On datatables theme on the header of the list there is a text field that works as a search field for the records of the list.

Just set_theme to datatables and you will see the difference.

You need to have the latest version of the grocery crud library."


The answer is no, there isn't a native solution for this!


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Posted 08 February 2013 - 03:03 AM

I'm currently using flexigrid and so, it seems I need to change it to datatables.  Ok, thanks for sharing. 


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 03:15 AM

But is there a way to integrate multifilters for flexigrid?

Why is not possible?

I believe so because multifilters for Datatables is just TableTools plugin.


Why I must use grocery crud for adding multifilters for flexigrid?