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multiple set_relation = strange bug


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 22:55 PM

I have a table "cars" that has the foreign fields "idbrand" and "idmodel" which references the tables "brands" and "models". Ok? Ok.

Just found a strange bug when i try the following:


If i left just one "set_relation", it works...
If i put many "set_relations", gives me the following error:

[i]Error Number: 1054[/i]
[i]Column 'jed4f12e7.name' unknown in 'field list'[/i]
[i]SELECT cars.*, CONCAT('', COALESCE(jed4f12e7.name, ''), '') as sed4f12e7, CONCAT('', COALESCE(je1f0af3d.name, ''), '') as se1f0af3d FROM (`cars`) LEFT JOIN `models` as je1f0af3d ON `je1f0af3d`.`id` = `cars`.`idmodel`[/i]
[i]Filename: .\system\database\DB_driver.php[/i]
[i]Line Number: 330[/i]

Note that it's considered only the last "LEFT JOIN" command (from "idmodel"). Where's the "LEFT JOIN" for "idbrands"?

My poor solution was to create a new protected array called "$join_cache" that flushes the left join string parameters (separated with |) when the system calls "get_list()", before the "get" command... like this:

$this->db->select($select, false);
foreach ($this->join_cache as $item)
$jointmp = explode("|",$item);
$results = $this->db->get($this->table_name)->result();

(in [i]grocery_model.php[/i])

Obviously, not a good solution and not recommended. :)
So... what's happening? CodeIgniter bug?

Sorry, my english is bad, very bad. :/


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 23:56 PM

It is a strange bug as it works fine for me and for everyone. Try this patch: https://github.com/s...9340caae1cde0d5 I just remove the from grocery_model.php


it was useless.

If this doesn't work for you can you please tell me: PHP version, Codeigniter version and grocery CRUD version?


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Posted 09 March 2012 - 00:42 AM

Doesn't work. Still got the error 1054.
My PHP version is 5.3.0, CodeIgniter 2.1.0, grocery CRUD 1.1.8, mySQL 5.1.37, Apache 2.2.13, Windows 7 SP1 x64. Very bizarre. ;)

I've changed the following:

protected $join_cache = array();
function get_list()
if($this->table_name === null)
return false;

$select = "{$this->table_name}.*";

foreach($this->relation as $relation)
list($field_name , $related_table , $related_field_title) = $relation;
$unique_join_name = $this->_unique_join_name($field_name);
$unique_field_name = $this->_unique_field_name($field_name);

$select .= ", CONCAT('".str_replace(array('{','}'),array("',COALESCE({$unique_join_name}.",", ''),'"),str_replace("'","\\'",$related_field_title))."') as $unique_field_name";
$select .= ", $unique_join_name.$related_field_title as $unique_field_name";

$select .= ", {$this->table_name}.$related_field_title as '{$this->table_name}.$related_field_title'";

$this->db->select($select, false);

foreach ($this->join_cache as $item)
$jointmp = explode("|",$item);
$results = $this->db->get($this->table_name)->result();

return $results;
function join_relation($field_name , $related_table , $related_field_title)

$related_primary_key = $this->get_primary_key($related_table);
if($related_primary_key !== false)
$unique_name = $this->_unique_join_name($field_name);
$this->join_cache[] = $related_table.' as '.$unique_name ."|". "$unique_name.$related_primary_key = {$this->table_name}.$field_name" ."|". 'left';
//$this->db->join( $related_table.' as '.$unique_name , "$unique_name.$related_primary_key = {$this->table_name}.$field_name",'left');
$this->relation[$field_name] = array($field_name , $related_table , $related_field_title);
return true;

return false;


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Posted 09 March 2012 - 07:26 AM

That's weird. I will check it this weekend deeper and I will have an answer for you.


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Posted 09 March 2012 - 18:02 PM

Hey Johnny! Problem solved! :D
I don't know exactly why but, when i downloaded the Grocery CRUD version in GitHub, the problem has gone.
Maybe a cache problem in my server?
And you are right about the useless "db_table_exisits" condition inside join_relation function. When i put it, the problem returns.
Thank you!