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The same grid line should be empty


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 04:47 AM

Can I create a grid like this with grocery crud:


| Programing |Framework | Package Price (IDR) |
| PHP               | Codeigniter       |   1.500                      |

|                       | YII                     |   1.000                      |

|                       | Zend                 |   1.400                      |

| Java               | Hibernate          |    3.000                    |

|                       | Spring               |    2.500                     |

| Javascript      | Jquery               |    1.000                     |



I've tried using the callback_column but unsuccessful. I hope you guys can help me


my code callback :





and :


public function _callback_programming($value, $row)
       $now = $row->id_programming;

            $tampil =  $value;
           $tampil =  " ";
        $last = $row->id_programming;
        return $tampil;


I hope anyone can solve my problem. thank you