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Search wont search in the entire contents of a table field that is datatype text .

Ted Constantoudakis

Ted Constantoudakis
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Posted 23 April 2014 - 06:01 AM

I use in some tables fields data type text with the crocery crud text editor in advanced mode. The language i enter data is greek . I saw that the search searches only the data of a data type text field that are shown in the flexygrid and not the entire data that are stored in the field. The problem is solved when i disable the advanced text editor but then all the features of adding images , formatting text etc are gone! I decided to crete a small search engine in php to cover this issue but now i'm stuck to that when i use advanced text editor in greek language croccery crud converts the greek letters to html entities and it is impossible for the external search engine that i made to search in html entites. Is there any way to disable the html entites encoding of the advanced text editor and make it store the data as it stored when i enter data in english language ???


Thanks in Advnaced . This thing if fantastic !!