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Seperate Field with Language wise


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Posted 24 June 2014 - 19:25 PM



I have create a table with two types of language:  english and bangla.


In Input form I am taking Bangla Lenguage and English language like: phone_bn, phone, name_bn, name, mobile_bn, mobile like this.


see the attachment:



this system is okay.


but when I click on View link then it shows:




My Query:


I want to view the data by Bangla View and English View. If any one want to see bangla language, he needs to click on bangla link. if any one want to see english information he needs to click on English link.


any one can tell me where is the trick? How could I solve this subject?


Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 25 June 2014 - 03:16 AM

Well the trick seems to be simple enough. You have to manage it somehow like settings (user choses the same). Let the user set the default view language. Store then in session. So whenever user clicks on the view - let the system select all the language specific fields 2 be displayed. Also you can alter the code in GC Theme (as you doing it globally for the project - its ok to change the GC theme.) on the view page to display the language option other then the one set as default or in currently being viewed up. (this setting can be done by setting flashdata or by passing in additional parameter along with the data / output generated by GC).

When the user clicks on that particular link (that can be set with a parameter - ?language=English or ?language=Bangla) added to the view url.


I might not be simple by language but the solution is perfect. In case of complexity in answer found, read it 2-3 times you must get solution for sure.


Happy GCing)