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Help with set_relation

Jorge Muñoz

Jorge Muñoz
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Posted 14 October 2014 - 20:36 PM



As I get data from the relation 1_n in my DB but my FK is not in central table.

I need obtain this values and modify your field because i need set any data.
















When I are add a new person, if this person will be in a new group I need add a new group in a same field not in other page.

Always use set_relation but in this case is not similar the rest.


Please I need help, this is my first proyect with codeigniter and grocery_crud.




Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 15 October 2014 - 07:22 AM

Hi there,


I understand your situation .. here

but u dont have a readymade solution for the same in GroceryCRUD

u need to alter the solution (custom made) ... ofcourse u can still continue using grocery crud...

but then in the form u need to attach it to javascript which which u can dynamically attach a new field (group name)


Step 2 -

add a callback_befoore_insert

check if this new field u planned for - if exists - add the extract the value and add the same to the group table.

and remember to unset the same from the post_array (variable from function) and return the same array back



This way u can manage to add new group dynamically..


Hope this helps u


Happy GCing :)

Jorge Muñoz

Jorge Muñoz
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Posted 15 October 2014 - 13:52 PM

Hi Amit Shah,


Thk for your help.

I have tried it before but my problem is not when data inserted , my data inseerted correctly, my problem is when I have review this data or edit data. because I used the set_relation_n_n when any modificaction for my situation.


My real situation now is not example.









My insertion is true but my link from the list to edit selected element is not correct, this is the error return.

I know this relationship is not correct but I not know other form to represent.

Error Number: 1066

Not unique table/alias: 'add_texts_site'

SELECT *, text as s1cb251ec FROM (`add_texts_site`) JOIN `add_texts_site` ON `add_texts_site`.`fk_site` = `add_texts_site`.`id` WHERE `fk_site` = '130' ORDER BY `add_texts_site`.`text`

Filename: C:\xampp\htdocs\admin\system\database\DB_driver.php

Line Number: 330

 This is my bad relation

$crud->set_relation_n_n('add_text', 'add_texts_site', 'add_texts_site', 'fk_site', 'fk_site', 'text');

This is my controller

try {
            $crud = new grocery_CRUD();
            $crud->set_subject('Directorio de Sitios');
            $crud->set_field_upload('image', 'assets/uploads/files');

            $crud->columns('name', 'url', 'description', 'fk_type', 'fk_owner', 'active');

            $crud->set_relation('fk_category', 'categories_site', 'category');
            $crud->set_relation('fk_type', 'types_site', 'type');
            $crud->set_relation('fk_language', 'languages', 'language');
            $crud->set_relation('fk_owner', 'owners_site', 'name');

            $crud->set_relation_n_n('tags', 'sites_tags', 'tags_site', 'fk_site', 'fk_tag', 'tag');
            $crud->set_relation_n_n('parent', 'parents_site', 'sites', 'parent_site', 'child_site', 'name');

             * Relaciones n-1 donde la FK no esta en 
             * la tabla que estamos haciendo render
            $crud->display_as('name', 'Nombre')
                    ->display_as('url', 'URL')
                    ->display_as('description', 'Descripción')
                    ->display_as('fk_type', 'Tipo')
                    ->display_as('fk_owner', 'Propietario')
                    ->display_as('image', 'Imagen')
                    ->display_as('active', 'Estado')                    
                    ->display_as('priority', 'Prioridad')
                    ->display_as('fk_category', 'Categoría')
                    ->display_as('fk_language', 'Idioma')
                    ->display_as('parent', 'Sitios Padre')
                    ->display_as('tags', 'Palabras Claves')
                    ->display_as('add_text', 'Texto Adicional')
     //This is my prblem

        $crud->set_relation_n_n('add_text', 'add_texts_site', 'add_texts_site', 'fk_site', 'fk_site', 'text');

        $crud->callback_add_field('add_text', array($this, 'edit_field_add_text_callback'));

             * Insertando campos en las tablas "icons_site" y "add_text" 

            $crud->callback_after_insert(array($this, 'after_insert'));

            $output = $crud->render();

            $this->load->view('sites/edit_sites_view', $output);

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            /* Si algo sale mal mostramos error */
            show_error($e->getMessage() . ' --- ' . $e->getTraceAsString());

Callback after insert

 function after_insert($post_array, $primary_key) {

        //Inserta el texto adicional en la tabla "add_text"
           $insert = array("text" => $post_array['add_text'],
          "fk_site" => $primary_key
          $this->db->insert('add_texts_site', $insert); 

Callback add field

 function edit_field_add_text_callback($value, $primary_key) {
        return '<textarea rows="1" cols="30" name="add_text"></textarea>';

Please excuse my bad English :)