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how to make a where clause in set_relation_n_n from a fourth table?

Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos
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Posted 29 October 2014 - 15:49 PM

I need your help, as I can do a set_relation_n_n using a clause where to filter data based on the information that is in another set_relation_n_n 
Attached is a picture, 
my relational table 1 is perfect, however the relational Table 2 need to filter users who are involved in a project (information stored in relational table 1) 
mysql would look like:


SELECT project_user.id_user, user.name, user.lastname, activity.id_activity FROM user INNER JOIN project_user ON user.id_user = project_user.id_user INNER JOIN activity ON project_user.id_project = activity.id_project WHERE activity.id_project='$id_project' AND project_user.id_project = '$id_project'



The idea is that in set_relation_n_n 2 (relation table 2) show me only those who are already involved in the project to which the activity belongs