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Insert grid in "add new record" page


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 06:20 AM

Please help, how to add a grid in "add record" page.


I want insert "Bill Details" in database.

so  i need to insert multiple items.


1st grid contain display all stock information, and if click "add stock" then the new add window contain another grid to add multiple sock items. If i click save then all items need to save and goback to 1st grid(display all stock information). I hop you understand my problem. Please help me.

Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 17 January 2015 - 14:23 PM

Why you want to perform such activity with GC .. as you will complicate yourself with the same. Instead .. just avoid the add function and write your own custom view for the same.


What you need to achieve can be done but then you will have to take care of the same using quite an amount of Javascripting and also will have to manage a lot of stuff.. (before insert - extract the grid data from the data array posted) .. and (post insert of the actual record - now go back and store all the entries in the grid)


I have shared you both the options.. whichever you wana go with - its your choice.


Happy GCing :)