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Uploader - upload/delete/show images from Amazon S3


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Posted 20 March 2015 - 16:29 PM

Hi Guys!


I have a question about the Image Uplaoder. I need to upload the images to Amazon S3 bucket and I don't need to store it locally. Give me any advice please, what I have to do?




Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 20 March 2015 - 20:06 PM

well it might not be as simple as it looks but aint that complex too..


make a callback after insert  / update - move the uploaded image to the s3 .. and delete it from locally...

just do a simple fact - update the url into the table so its easy to display programatically.


As for edit - you may need to write a bit of code using the callback to render the image edit effect.


Happy GCing :)


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 11:02 AM

well it might not be as simple as it looks but aint that complex too..


make a callback after insert  / update - move the uploaded image to the s3 .. and delete it from locally...

just do a simple fact - update the url into the table so its easy to display programatically.


As for edit - you may need to write a bit of code using the callback to render the image edit effect.


Happy GCing :)


Thanks! I'll try to do it!