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How to handle add, read, edit list fields


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Posted 24 March 2015 - 14:21 PM



First, I want to trully congratulate you for this trully  great add on.


I been developing using GC for quite a few months, and I think the strategy how to select which fields are seen in the 4 different actions is not quite clear for me.


The idea is the following:


I hace a table with 5 fields (a,b,c,d,e)


And I want to show the fields in the following way:


  • list: a,b,c,d
  • add: a,b,c,d (c,d are a hidden log fields not shown to the user)
  • read: a,b,c,d,e
  • edit: e


What methods in which order show I use to achieve this?


I have real problems with priority of methods: columns, fields, add_fields, edit_fields, $state, unset_edit_fields, etc.


Thanks in advance. And congratularions again.

