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autocomplete in add/edit form


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 13:10 PM

Hi all


I would like to use the browser autocomplete functionality, i was using javascipt to turn that feature on ( only for two fields )


$(this).attr('autocomplete', 'on');

$(this).attr('autocomplete', 'on');

if i click with the mouse on one of the two fields i get a dropdown list with some suggestions, i can choose one and autocomplete seems to work, but ! ....


New name values or street values are not cached !? --> Only latest Opera does, so my question is, what could it be to prevent new values to be stored in cache ? Is there a Javascript function that fires on submit which dissables autocomplete ? I didn't found anything ...


If i change the id of the form, it works but then i lose form functionality ( off corse )


RG and thx in forward