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set-relation based on dropdown


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 02:47 AM


i'm new to this GC, and i have already follow the basic-tutorial from this site. But i have problem on how to display data from a table based on dropdown (static dropdown, not from the tables).


Here's the case :




The first Dropdown contains static list :

$crud->field_type('device','dropdown',array('SERVER' => 'SERVER', 'NETWORK' => 'NETWORK'));

The second Dropdown contains field from another tables, with two condition:

*) If "SERVER" selected from the first Dropdown, then this Dropdown contains "server-name" field taken from "table-server"

*) if "NETWORK" selected from the first Dropdown, then this Dropdown contains "device-name" field taken from "table-network-device"


can i use set-relation to this case?

