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Is get_total_results correct?


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 19:19 PM

I have a table that has 600000 rows. I found that Grocery Grud very slow. I examined the code and I found the slow part on grocery_grud_model.


Line 178

  function get_total_results()
    	//set_relation_n_n special queries. We prefer sub queries from a simple join for the relation_n_n as it is faster and more stable on big tables.
    		$select = "{$this->table_name}.*";
    		$select = $this->relation_n_n_queries($select);


		return $this->db->get($this->table_name)->num_rows();

To get the total count, script gets all result. I changed the code like below.

function get_total_results()
    	//set_relation_n_n special queries. We prefer sub queries from a simple join for the relation_n_n as it is faster and more stable on big tables.
    		$select = $this->relation_n_n_queries($select);

	return $this->db->from($this->table_name)->count_all_results();

Performance is good now.