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Relation problem

Christian Amberg

Christian Amberg
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Posted 06 July 2015 - 18:35 PM



 i have the following problem:


My main table named cars with fields like id,manufacturer,type,ident.... and color_id


i have a second table named colors with fields id, color that looks like:








that works as long as a car has only one color, how can i add multiple colors to one car?


i have tried this:


$crud->field_type('color_id', 'multiselect');




$crud->field_type('color', 'multiselect')


but both variants doesnt work....


Do i have to extend the database?




Paul Savostin

Paul Savostin
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Posted 06 July 2015 - 21:30 PM

Hi! How you design your database? For example:

You have next cars - Toyota, BMW, Audi

And colors - white, black, green

So if any of this cars could be any of this colors - Toyota (black, green), BMW(whiite, black, green), Audi (white, green) - this is many-to-namy relation!

So you need table cars, colors and cars_vs_colors - where you write many colors per car. In GC you then will use ->set_relation_n_n