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clearForm doesn't clear hidden fields


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Posted 07 July 2015 - 03:49 AM

I'm wondering if there is a reason why, in flexgrid-add.js, the hidden html fields aren't cleared with the rest of the form elements. Is this on purpose or was this overlooked?

	function clearForm()
		$('crudForm').find(':input').each(function() {
	        switch(this.type) {
	            case 'password':
	            case 'select-multiple':
	            case 'select-one':
	            case 'text':
	            case 'textarea':
	            case 'checkbox':
	            case 'radio':
	                this.checked = false;

		/* Clear upload inputs  */

		/* -------------------- */


		$('.chosen-multiple-select, .chosen-select, .ajax-chosen-select').each(function(){