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Bootstrap Theme issues


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 12:26 PM



I stumbled upon some issues with the Bootstrap Theme.


Is there a documentation for that theme?


Here the issues:

  1. unset_add () doesnt work
  2. unset_print () & unset_export dont work
  3. Unset_delete() should also remove checkbox in first row first colomn and should remove whole first table colomn
	public function products_management()
			$crud = new grocery_CRUD();
                        $crud->add_action( "Bearbeiten",  '' , 'edit', 'fa-edit', '');
                        $crud->columns('Artikelnr', 'Artikelbez', 'Lagerplatz', 'Lieferant', 'Bestand', 'VKP1', 'veroeffentlicht');
			$output = $crud->render();