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Bug with Bootstrap Theme


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Posted 11 November 2015 - 15:22 PM

Hi, I'm trying to unset a several options in the bootstrap theme but some of them don't work.


I've seen a post about delete, add and other functions, for me are these:


  • unset_delete(); doesn't work.
  • unset_edit(); work only when the windows is in a normal size, when I shrink it doesn't work anymore.

I'm adding part of my code and a couple of screenshots.


Thank you for the help.

function _plan_analisis($rol){

        $crud = new grocery_CRUD();


        $output = $crud->render();


Note: I've removed parts of the code just for made it easier to read (the parts are add and edit columns and other actions that work well).

Juan Tagapagkodigo

Juan Tagapagkodigo
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Posted 19 February 2016 - 18:26 PM

I'm using Bootstrap Theme v1.3.1 and it works fine, I don't see more button and action column is hidden both desktop and mobile view.


What version you're using?