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Integrating GC tables/forms with site styles


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Posted 21 June 2016 - 06:08 AM



is there a guide somewhere on how to successfully use both the styling provided by Grocery Crud (e.g., datatables) and the site I am trying to integrate the Grocery Crud tables and forms into? For example, integrate Datatables with Bootstrap?


If I simply add bootstrap css and js files besides ones autoloaded by the Grocery Crud, the Grocery Crud tables seem to get broken.


I do not need the tables to match the site styles (I realize I would perhaps need to use the bootstrap theme to get a unified style). I simply need the main site styles not to break the Grocery Crud look and feel.


is there a way to isolate the tables from the rest of the site?

Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 01 July 2016 - 05:32 AM

Well my friend u need to catch up some frontend developer who will be able to fix the same - there aint any guide as such - i too have had blended the GC with the site themes in past - but truely that requires some RND with styling ...


Happy GCing :)


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Posted 09 July 2016 - 20:34 PM

Thank you. However, this issue limits severely the usefullness of Grocery Crud – I am surprised that there is not more discussion on it.

Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 12 July 2016 - 08:17 AM



I dont totally accept the point on the same. Grocerycrud was built as a library to be implemented independent of any theme or stuff. What you may notice is it dose use up quite a lot of common stuff like jqueryui and things which can already be part of the theme we using. in such case, what you can do is plan to remove the same and let the one set in theme be used up.


Secondly, there are additional plugins that GC uses like jqgrid or some theme level styling / functionalities - that can be left over / altered as required. The change as such aint so huge - i was able to incorporate GC with the theme i used in within a Days time myself not being a frontend developer - what you just need to do is scan through what is overlapping .. remove them from the library ...

secondly just then look around what you can do to get the look & feel you want - inspect with Google / chrome inspect element - look where / what styling gets called / applied. Change whatever is required / necessary.


I know its just the text & is too long but thats how things can be incorporated. Hope this matter shared do help you out. 

If time permits, i shall look into developing a proper document with case study (but that surely will be long one and may take in much time). 


Happy GCing :)


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Posted 26 September 2016 - 14:42 PM

I dont totally accept the point on the same. Grocerycrud was built as a library to be implemented independent of any theme or stuff. What you may notice is it dose use up quite a lot of common stuff like jqueryui and things which can already be part of the theme we using. in such case, what you can do is plan to remove the same and let the one set in theme be used up.


It would be great if you could do that study :)


On the other hand, is there no css technique that could tell a table "do not pick up the bootstrap styles, get only those from datatables stylesheets"?


But perhaps I am just rephrasing my previous question...  Nevermind. Thank you for explanations.