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Pagination CSS - Where?


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Posted 20 November 2016 - 02:54 AM



I am trying to modify the CSS to match my theme (using Elephant eerie black template from D=Themeforest).  I have it almost all sorted out, except the hover CSS for the pagination buttons... I cannot find, for the life of me, where to find this...


I know the colors are #e4e4e4 (hover an enabled button) and #656565 (hover a disabled button).  The entries for the #e4e4e4 Are nowhere to be found in GroceryCRUD, at least not in a matter that actually affects this section.  And the later color #656565 doesn;t even exist in the CSS... 


Please let me know how to change the hover colors, or maybe even disable them all together....





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Posted 20 November 2016 - 03:22 AM

Never mind... Seems a lot of the JS/CSS conflict with the JS/CSS from my theme... The theme also has data tables built into it as well, so I am just gonna create my own CRUD manually... which sucks... but it will talk me longer to find all the conflicts.