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how to change the generic add text editor


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Posted 23 November 2016 - 12:44 PM

Hi everyone.


I have a newbie question.

I add items using grocery crud but then i use my own .php to show it (echo item->description). 
Using GC when i write a description in my text editor with an enter, it adds a <p> which makes a big space between lines in my .php


Now if i edit this in source and take out the <p> the text displays fine.


The idea is that when adding a new field it doesnt add the <p> after every enter, just the normal space.


I have attached the two image of what happens and what i want to happen by default

Can you help me?



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Posted 23 November 2016 - 13:23 PM

Try this in ur php:
$tmp = item->description;
$tmp = str_replace("<p>","",$tmp);
$tmp = str_replace("</p>","",$tmp);
echo $tmp;

I hope this helps. 😀