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I have problem saving data over 1000 with relation n n


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 15:16 PM

i have problem saving data over backend of the site and it says "a problem occured in saving" the data is over 1000 entries with relation to each other

Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 21 December 2016 - 08:18 AM

Well - look @the output of the network call in developer console of your browser - there it will display you exactly what issue occured.

When u say - 1000 entries in relation_n_n .. 1st of all - it is going to have a huge memory blockage on the clients end - that aint a good solution...

secondly - all such data when posted - if it exceeds the max post size value - it is going to give issue -

thridly.. - what one more possible issue can be is.. each entry when submitted is going to create entries / records in the relation table .. thought small but it takes time .. so if timed out - it will throw up error ...


Either of the above shared can be a problem - lookup what exactly is the issue .. in the network console - what system wana communicate .. fix it.. and enjoy


Just on the sake of usability feature - i will not recommend you having such a huge list ... practically even for users its a nightmare selecting and remembering such a huge set of inventory of relation. I will request you to reconsider your app design stretagy to get a better feasible solution.


Happy GCing :)