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How to debug callback function

Laurent Nunenthal

Laurent Nunenthal
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Posted 20 February 2017 - 15:42 PM



I'm new in GC, after 3 days of work, I created a little backend which is working, with some ajax function called, image resizing and more. All is working and it's clear than GC is a good piece of code, thank's


My problem is that I have a little complicated code which is called by a callback, and there is no error diplayed when it's occurs. So, it's very difficult to debug. What is the best method to get the error message.


Thank's for all.

Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 22 February 2017 - 07:01 AM

Well can u mention as where exactly you want to debug callback function .. @what level .. display / insert / update - 


display i believe its easily traceable. Insert / updates at times are the ones which can be troublesome ...Well 1st thing i work out on the same is.. i kill the process - die("Got in here")..

When u do that - the same will generate the output in the network call response - that is where then u can start debugging. Since the ajax call expected a json response and a proper response - it will fallback on the same and stop further execution. So your add / update wont work at all beyond this point. 


Hope this helps you resolve your query / quest to debug the callback methods.


Happy GCing :)


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Posted 22 February 2017 - 10:22 AM

Although callbacks allow fast development I would suggest to move to custom models as soon as you can, it simple and you have much more control.