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Use Tinymce File Manager on Upload Files


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 10:16 AM



Anyone used Tinymce File Manager or any File Manager on upload files before ???


Please I need to use any file manager to upload files 



Thank You...


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 15:57 PM

The way I did this with roxy file manager (compatible with tiny mce):

I altered the main js file of roxy to support multiple configs(reads query string to figure out whitch one to use), one is ckeditor, the other one is everything else (I left it as a json file, but I really should have a controller generating the config files, just so I can use the base url).

Setted up the custom integration, to read the field name from the url (I add it to the query string), then when selecting I update the edit/add form to include the file url, alongside a preview.

The I did a callback_edit_field/add_field to replace the default input with a button opening the file browser with the right parameters.
Also used a separate script to replace any field named "image" with a preview on the read page.

The original idea was to use an action, but this is just so mutch cooler.
You can decide whather or not you want to use a modal or a pop-up window. I just sticked to the latter, since ckeditor opens roxy in like that.

I'm not giving you the code, because its a mess. I also had trouble with the included php files (htaccess), so I had to do a crude replacement.


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Posted 04 April 2017 - 21:03 PM

Thank You Dear I will check and give you my feedback :)