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Theming: remove jquery ui


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 16:21 PM

I finally styled grocery crud to blend into the Genetella template, but I have an issue. Even tough I disabled booth jquery and jquery ui They still modify fields what I would pass onto the template script/ something more appropriate.


Like, this is my datepicker:
[attachment=1187:Képernyőkép – 2017-03-15 17-06-40.png]

I called: unset_jquery, unset_jquery_ui,unset_bootstrap.

They are just a problem now, for example the datepicker is completly broken, but I can't figure what to do about it. Removing classes from the input before I print them out fails most of the time, works in some cases.

How could I solve it?

I don't care if If I break the other themes.