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Beginner... Following the tutorial but


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 14:10 PM


i am new to GroceryCrud and CodeIgniter, folowing the tutorial, but i am stuck, i did it again, followed every step but nothing is functional : i can see the employees list, etc. but if i try to use the paginate to go to next page, or the search form or create something, nothing work.


Is the tutorial is supposed to be fully functional? Is there somewhere something that work out-of-the-box to play with it and learn from that?

what should i add to have these subparts working?


or is it that something i forget, or a trouble with my configuration somewhere? something about Ajax or JS?


thank you a lot, i was very happy of my learning curve until now, but now :(


if i can ask another : how to setup the grocerycrud so to have lots of help or messages about the error that happens? some kind of verbose error messages? is it possible?


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Posted 20 March 2017 - 07:36 AM

I think its javascript problem. Maybe you have to put javascript files before your crud render in the view.


Anyways, check your firebug console so you can identify all errors.