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How to access the grid values in a callback function?


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 15:47 PM

I want to conditionally make certain controls on the [edit] form `read only` based on a certain value of the record, when edit form is invoked from the grid - am using datatables. I am not sure how can I retrieve and use the values of the current record?
I have used add/edit callbacks and am able to change the controls but am not sure how to access the values available in the grid - must be a childish question please bear with me.


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 19:39 PM

[quote name='tanver' timestamp='1323445636' post='111']
I want to conditionally make certain controls on the [edit] form `read only` based on a certain value of the record, when edit form is invoked from the grid - am using datatables. I am not sure how can I retrieve and use the values of the current record?
I have used add/edit callbacks and am able to change the controls but am not sure how to access the values available in the grid - must be a childish question please bear with me.
It's not a childish question. It's actually my fault that I don't have enough documentation. It is just the second parameter of your callback . So in the example
http://www.grocerycrud.com/crud/example/callback_edit_field You can have something like this

function edit_field_callback_1($value, $primary_key)
$result = $this->db->get('your_table')->row();
return '<input type="text" name="phone" value="'.$result->your_field.'" />'


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 22:30 PM

Thank you so very much for your kind help, the key is that we can execute SQL Queries from within the callbacks as well.