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upload field


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 19:25 PM


i have created a backend interface, and i used grocery crud wich i like very much, BRAVO !!

everything works fine under firefox and google for the upload field, but there is no way to make the upload field working under IE 9, i've tried everything, went on the site that provided the upload ajax library, and i found out that their library is not working under IE9, so it is not the fault of Grocery crud,

is that a way to use a normal upload field ?
are you planning to use a different solution ?

do you have a roadmap for correcting this ?

my problem is that i coded the whole backend with grocery crud and i can not reverse back to an other solution.

thank you for you help


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 21:02 PM

Oh I didn't know that it didn't work to IE 9 , thanks to mention it. I just added to known issues so other people should know.
As for the upload I will change it with this one : http://blueimp.github.com/jQuery-File-Upload/ , it works well with all the browsers and I think its pretty cool. Now this week I am testing the new release of 1.1.8 that DOESN'T include a different uploader. Probably (but not promising anything) , at the next release from that (1.1.9) the uploader will be changed. Now I really don't know what to say about your situation. Try to hack the core and see how this will go, and for any help just add it to this forum and me and the community will try to help you. I don't know also a person that have created a different uploader for grocery CRUD to send it to you.
Unless you want to wait for 20-30 days to see how it goes with the release 1.1.9. It depends of how much time I will have or if I will have any donation till then. I try to do my best but I am only one person, so I hope you understand that.


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Posted 22 February 2012 - 14:10 PM

in the new upload, you can specify the path to save the file?


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Posted 22 February 2012 - 23:15 PM

Yes of course you will specify the path to save the file. The same thing happens with the uploader now. You can see an example at: http://www.grocerycrud.com/examples/set_upload_field_example . The functionality will be the same it will just be extended with more parameters.