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create upload directory if not exsist

Hosef Reyes

Hosef Reyes
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Posted 23 January 2013 - 06:54 AM

I really love using Grocery Crud, not just it simplified most of my project's coding, but also it has a rich documentation and helpful members.

I just want to ask if we can create a directory before we upload.
Cause on my incoming project, I have upload materials which will be uploaded on different directories, each directories will be named according to the materials title (something like that).

I was aware of the callback before upload function, hopes it will be the the solution on my problem.

By the way I just want to clarify if is possible to create the upload directory before we upload something on it using grocery crud's file upload and callback before upload?

Hope it will give some hint to developer newbies like me and to all members who need it.

Thanks for your response.