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Edit form does not populate dropdown box


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Posted 19 November 2018 - 17:55 PM

Hi there,


I am very new to GC and I am trying to edit a table with the following data:



id_city = Int, Primary key

city = varchar

id_country = FK into country table, Int



id_country = Int, Primary key

country = varchar


The code to show this is:

	$crud = new grocery_CRUD();




	$output = $crud->render();

It shows the data correctly, but when I click EDIT it does not fill in the dropbox for the country field. What is odd is that if I select VIEW, it correctly shows the country associated with the selected item.


As far as I can see, I have set things up correctly.


Can anyone explain why the country dropdown does not fill on the edit page?


Thank you!






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Posted 15 June 2020 - 10:19 AM

I also run into this  trouble today . Any GC  gurus that can explain this behavior ?