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comparing two dates


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Posted 18 January 2019 - 13:18 PM

Ok so I have two dates for each entry, planned date and actual date. I want to compare these two and change text color of the actual date to red if it is later than the planned date.


What I have so far:





public function _RedMarker($value, $row)
			return '<span style="color:red"><span>'.$row->actualstart;
			return $row->actualstart;

My problem is When I use the callback it seems to get the date in Y-m-d format, then tries to compare it planned date which is in d-m-Y format. Which obviously gives wrong results, and on top of that the date format on the table also changes to Y-m-d. (See attached)


How can I get the date in d-m-Y format or is there way to change grocery crud date format to Y-m-d (). If you have any other solutions im open to suggestions.


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Posted 23 January 2019 - 12:08 PM

I don't have the solution,


I am facing exactly the same problem when applying Bootstrap 4 CSS class on a date field.


Is there any trick to get expected date format displayed ?