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Replace url filename with custom text


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Posted 19 January 2019 - 21:12 PM

Hi there..



Can't seem to get my head around this issue...


I want to replace the file url listed in a row with an alternate text such as "View File".





Any suggestions?


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Posted 21 January 2019 - 00:28 AM

Greetings !


You can use a callback on the column to achieve that :




Let me know if this works for you.


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Posted 25 January 2019 - 13:53 PM

Hi NadimD


Thank you, that is what I was trying to use, but had an error in my syntax, but sorted it out. Now just to figure out how to activate a callback when the  link is clicked.


Thanks for taking the effort to reply.


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Posted 30 January 2019 - 13:41 PM

You're welcome !


Well, to make a callback on the clicked link, that would be out of Grocery Crud since the click is handle by the browser.

That means you could either add a onclick='yourcallback();' on your link, and make a JS function yourcallback() , or you can init a click event with jQuery, outside GroceryCRUD.


Make sure you load jQuery or any library you use to handle the clicks if you use a library, and that's it !

If the callback is supposed to happen after the link is clicked, on the target, that would be server-side !


Let me know if you understand and feel free to provide me more details.


I personnally don't want to get into the GCRUD React scripts, they can be updated any time and I'm not a React developer, so I handle everything else in my own script.js using jQuery.


That's how I made a "preview" button for instance, I have a table "articles" with a text field, and I added a preview button near the Save button to achieve custom events.