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drop down with ascending numbering

Jack Magdalene

Jack Magdalene
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Posted 23 March 2013 - 13:06 PM

Hi Everyone,


I have a problem with the order of items in a drop-down list. My database table is setup with sequential numbering, both ID and the select items. But when you select the drop-down list, the items are mixed up. Please see the attached screen shot.


I would like to see the following:










Can someone tell me how to fix this or point me in the right direction?





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Posted 24 March 2013 - 03:28 AM

Hi Everyone,


I have a problem with the order of items in a drop-down list. My database table is setup with sequential numbering, both ID and the select items. But when you select the drop-down list, the items are mixed up. Please see the attached screen shot.


- You can't set ascending or descending order for integer value. it will take 1, 10,11, 2 this way.


You can solve this problem by taking your id as varchar format.

Jack Magdalene

Jack Magdalene
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Posted 24 March 2013 - 13:34 PM

Hi likhon3k,


Thank you for the help. I'll make the suggested changes right away.


I changed the table to varchar as primary key and removed the auto_increment but when I select the drop down menu it's still showing the same mixed up sequence (0,1,10,11,12...), what I want is: 0,1,2,3,4,5...


It must be PHP that's rendering the numbers non-sequential. Any other thoughts?

