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create relation to first table and then create relation from first table to another table

Yovi Pratama

Yovi Pratama
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Posted 01 April 2013 - 03:20 AM

Hello every one, i wanna ask you,


if i have table A,

how can i create relation to table B, and then create another relation from table B to table C, and then get the value from some field on table C?

for example, i have 3 table,
A (id_A, id_B, description_A)
B (id_B,id_C,description_B )

my current table on my method is table A, but i wanna get value from field description_C in table C?

any one can help?


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Posted 01 April 2013 - 08:36 AM

These set_relation functions need to be on different controller functions since you have one (1) set_table!

Unless you make more than one new grocery_CRUD()!


For A


set_relation('id_B', 'b', 'id_B');

(similar for table a )


If you want to have multiple tables:


cruda = new grocery_CRUD();


cruda->set_relation('id_B', 'b', '{id_B} - {description_B}');



crudb = new grocery_CRUD();


crudb->set_relation('id_C', 'c', '{id_C}  - {description_C}');

If the above is not very convenient then you need to make your own model.
Depending on where you want to use description_C you get the field value using the appropriate method.
If you want the value (of description_C) while in server(e.g. you want to use it on a controller function) then just make a model that parses this data.
If you want the value on client side then you need to make some javascript call.