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add action cancel at library grocery_crud


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Posted 24 May 2013 - 13:28 PM


At my projects i've to use a action to cancel the datas.
In other words, I like add action cancel at library grocery_crud like edit and delete.

The action cancel dont delet the row, just set a condition like Cancel at column the database.
And when cancel, I like remove action edit this row and use strike trought  (strike trough)

Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 27 May 2013 - 19:29 PM

hi bianconeri ....


well.. you can refer to the following library extension and set your functionality like here it is set to have a view button. As for your requirement, will suggest you to make your function of setting the cancel in conjunction with delete function in grocery crud  .. orcourse you can add it in the extension library .... This way you need not temper the existing libaray and still achive the new functionality at ease.

