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problem to open modal window after sorting field


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Posted 20 June 2013 - 20:11 PM

I got stuck with a strange problem that happens when I first sort a field in the grid and then when I click on the image icon to see the images linked to that record . cases depicted in images below.



In this case , Fancybox modal window opens successfully when not sorting has been carried out.



In this case,  I sorted by "comuna" field and then click on the icon to open the modal window, no modal windows opens but a new page .



I've noticed a firebug warning on"

Jquery: Use of attributes' specified attribute is deprecated. It always returns true", as the image show


could it be this is stopping the other js code from executing?

I found this link http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11397


I'm using Jquery 1.8.2 , i've tried 1.9.1 and i get the same error.


I'm also using image_crud to upload pictures

