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combining set_relation and callback_field


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 14:44 PM

hello, i have this condition,


My Tables are:

|       tbl_training         |
|kd_training | nama_training |
|   0001     | 1st  training |
|   0002     | 2nd  training |
|   0003     | 3rd  training |

|         tbl_batch_training        |
| kd_batch | kd_training | no_batch |
|     A    |     0001    |     1    |
|     B    |     0001    |     2    |
|     C    |     0002    |     1    |
|     D    |     0002    |     2    |

|       tbl_assignment     |
| kd_assignment | kd_batch |
|      A1       |    A     |
|      A2       |    C     |
|      A3       |    D     |

on my controller:

if($state != 'edit')
} else {
	$crud->set_relation('kd_batch','tbl_batch_training','{kd_training} - {no_batch}');


function _column_callback_kd_batch($value, $row)
	//it turns 'D' into '2nd training, Batch number 2'

as we see there, when browsing the flexigrid, we will see the kd_batch shown '{nama_training}, batch number {no_batch}'

but, on edit/insert, it will shown 0001 - 1


instead, i want to make kd_batch on tbl_assignment listing shown:

  • 1st training, Batch number 1
  • 2nd training, Batch number 1
  • 2nd training, Batch number 2

as a flexigrid's dropdown menu (with search box)


how to do that?