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Jquery override with twitter bootstrap theme


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 19:54 PM


I seem to have a problem with several jquery libraries loading.

Having read other posts where the general recommendation was to unset_jquery(), I can´t find a solution for this.


Apparently when trying to change priority within a relation n_n while using the twitter bootstrap theme there is a conflict with the js function $.ui.isOverAxis, as it cant find it on the jquery ui 1.9.2 custom. This library is being included in the theme's js folder while the main assets js jquery ui is 1.10.1.


I would be very grateful if someone pointed me in the right direction. I think that what I need to do is change the jquery ui library that twitter bootstrap theme uses, or the one grocery crud does, but Im not sure where to change it.


thanks everybody  in advance.


best regards



BTW, Great work here web_johny I love Grocery Crud.





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Posted 17 July 2013 - 21:47 PM

Hello and welcome to the forums [member=bunting].

If you are using the latest stable version 1.3.3, this version comes with only two themes, flexigrid and datatables.

If you have a version that had under assets/themes/ the twitter bootstrap theme then you must be using the unstable development version 1.4.

Well this is only a development version and not all the knots and bolts are tightly screwed together.

Unfortunately if this is your case we can't provide you with any support.

