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Using GroceryCrud with Amazon S3

Helton Eduardo Ritter

Helton Eduardo Ritter
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Posted 23 September 2013 - 13:24 PM

Hello folks, I'm on a project that I have to use Amazon S3 to store all application data, on our server will be only PHP files. I'm considering if someone have already dialed with that situation using Grocery Crud (and ImageCrud).


I didn't started to code yet, I'm considering the options, checking the changes that should be done.


Would someone like so share some experience on that kind?


Thanks in advance.


Regards, Helton Ritter




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Posted 24 September 2013 - 08:48 AM


I've never used S3 but I believe that it has a Relational database service that can provide mysql so all that should be necessary is to set up a mysql database on S3, configure CI with the database parameters, hostname, username, password, database name and away you go, just as though it was a database on your own server.


File uploads might be a bit different, you would have to use the S3 API instead of the normal CI or CG file upload paths.


Best bet is to install a trial GC site and try it out. It should take only an hour or so. Let us know how you get on.


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Posted 20 March 2015 - 16:27 PM

Hi Guys,


Did you solve this? Can you give me any advices?