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How to pass arguments to a function that renders image crud

Bishal Paudel

Bishal Paudel
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Posted 01 October 2013 - 09:48 AM

//inside admin controller 
public function pictures($table)
$image = new image_CRUD();
$image -> set_table($table)
-> set_url_field('name')
-> set_title_field('title')
//-> set_ordering_field('priority')
-> set_image_path('assets/uploads');
$output = $image -> render();
$this->view_output('images/main.php',$image -> render());

url: http://localhost/my_site/admin/pictures/photos and I get a bunch of errors for undefined variable of css_files and js_files and invalid argument for foreach(). when url is http://localhost/my_site/admin/picture and the code is as below, it works perfect.

//inside admin controller 
public function pictures()
$image = new image_CRUD();
$image -> set_table('photos')
-> set_url_field('name')
-> set_title_field('title')
//-> set_ordering_field('priority')
-> set_image_path('assets/uploads');
$output = $image -> render();
$this->view_output('images/main.php',$image -> render());

The problem is while using codeigniter's method of passing arguments on image crud rendering function. While using normal method of php as http://localhost/my_site/admin/pictures?table=photos and the code is as below, it works, BUT I can't upload images this way,there will be upload error.

public function pictures()
$image = new image_CRUD();
$table = $_GET['table'];
$image -> set_table($table)

How can I pass arguments as I stated first?

Bishal Paudel

Bishal Paudel
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Posted 01 October 2013 - 12:37 PM

OK I got the solution. Previously the library image_crud.php getState() function did not have the condition for uri segment being other than numberic,'upload_file', 'ajax_list', 'ordering' and 'insert_title'. So the error was due to not finding the suitable condition and code didn't execute. Below given code must be added to the library:image_crud.php line 477:

$upload_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/upload_file');
$ajax_list_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/ajax_list');
$ordering_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/ordering');
$insert_title_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/insert_title');

$state = array( 'name' => 'list', 'upload_url' => $upload_url);
$state['ajax'] = isset($rsegments_array[3]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'ajax_list' ? true : false;
$state['ajax_list_url'] = $ajax_list_url;
$state['ordering_url'] = $ordering_url;
$state['insert_title_url'] = $insert_title_url;

return (object)$state;

Bishal Paudel

Bishal Paudel
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Posted 04 October 2013 - 07:56 AM

Okay this way has got a error while uploading files.

Previously while uploading files (while we dont have 3rd uri segment), it adds extra segments on the 3rd uri to define the state of the image_crud. I modified it to work while having 3rd uri segment.So in this case, I have a two conditions. First while having third uri segment and second, not having third uri segment. So $extra_segments variable is set to false( false for no extra segments,i.e localhost/my_site/admin/pictures in my case) while we don't have 3rd uri segment. For checking 3rd uri segment, the function set_table of image_crud.phpis modified as:

function set_table($table_name)
    $this->table_name = $table_name;

    if($table_name == $this->ci->uri->segment(3))
        $this->extra_segments = true;

    return $this;

also variable is to be declared inside image_crud class(on line 47 I did) as: protected $extra_segments = false; Now for actual work, getState() function is modified as below. It can be furthur optimised to make it dry and modular.

protected function getState()
    $rsegments_array = $this->ci->uri->rsegment_array();

    if($this->extra_segments == true){

        if(isset($rsegments_array[4]) && is_numeric($rsegments_array[4]))
            $upload_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/upload_file/'.$rsegments_array[3]);
            $ajax_list_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/ajax_list');
            $ordering_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/ordering');
            $insert_title_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/insert_title');

            $state = array( 'name' => 'list', 'upload_url' => $upload_url, 'relation_value' => $rsegments_array[4]);
            $state['ajax'] = isset($rsegments_array[5]) && $rsegments_array[5] == 'ajax_list'  ? true : false;
            $state['ajax_list_url'] = $ajax_list_url;
            $state['ordering_url'] = $ordering_url;
            $state['insert_title_url'] = $insert_title_url;

            return (object)$state;
        elseif( (empty($rsegments_array[4]) && empty($this->relation_field)) || (!empty($rsegments_array[4]) &&  $rsegments_array[4] == 'ajax_list'))
            $upload_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/upload_file');
            $ajax_list_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/ajax_list');
            $ordering_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/ordering');
            $insert_title_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/insert_title');

            $state = array( 'name' => 'list', 'upload_url' => $upload_url);
            $state['ajax'] = isset($rsegments_array[4]) && $rsegments_array[4] == 'ajax_list'  ? true : false;
            $state['ajax_list_url'] = $ajax_list_url;
            $state['ordering_url'] = $ordering_url;
            $state['insert_title_url'] = $insert_title_url;

            return (object)$state;
        elseif(isset($rsegments_array[4]) && $rsegments_array[4] == 'upload_file')
            #region Just rename my file
                $new_file_name = '';
                //$old_file_name = $this->_to_greeklish($_GET['qqfile']);
                $old_file_name = $this->_convert_foreign_characters($_GET['qqfile']);
                $max = strlen($old_file_name);
                for($i=0; $i< $max;$i++)
                    $numMatches = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9.-_]+$/', $old_file_name[$i], $matches);
                    if($numMatches >0)
                        $new_file_name .= strtolower($old_file_name[$i]);
                        $new_file_name .= '-';
                $file_name = substr( substr( uniqid(), 9,13).'-'.$new_file_name , 0, 100) ;

            $results = array( 'name' => 'upload_file', 'file_name' => $file_name);
            if(isset($rsegments_array[5]) && is_numeric($rsegments_array[5]))
                $results['relation_value'] = $rsegments_array[5];
            return (object)$results;
        elseif(isset($rsegments_array[4]) && isset($rsegments_array[5]) && $rsegments_array[4] == 'delete_file' && is_numeric($rsegments_array[5]))
            $state = array( 'name' => 'delete_file', 'id' => $rsegments_array[4]);
            return (object)$state;
        elseif(isset($rsegments_array[4]) && $rsegments_array[4] == 'ordering')
            $state = array( 'name' => 'ordering');
            return (object)$state;
        elseif(isset($rsegments_array[4]) && $rsegments_array[4] == 'insert_title')
            $state = array( 'name' => 'insert_title');
            return (object)$state;
            $upload_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/upload_file');
            $ajax_list_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/ajax_list');
            $ordering_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/ordering');
            $insert_title_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/insert_title');

            $state = array( 'name' => 'list', 'upload_url' => $upload_url);
            $state['ajax'] = isset($rsegments_array[4]) && $rsegments_array[4] == 'ajax_list'  ? true : false;
            $state['ajax_list_url'] = $ajax_list_url;
            $state['ordering_url'] = $ordering_url;
            $state['insert_title_url'] = $insert_title_url;

            return (object)$state;
    elseif($this->extra_segments == false)
        if(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && is_numeric($rsegments_array[3]))
            $upload_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/upload_file/'.$rsegments_array[3]);
            $ajax_list_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/'.$rsegments_array[3].'/ajax_list');
            $ordering_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/ordering');
            $insert_title_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/insert_title');

            $state = array( 'name' => 'list', 'upload_url' => $upload_url, 'relation_value' => $rsegments_array[3]);
            $state['ajax'] = isset($rsegments_array[4]) && $rsegments_array[4] == 'ajax_list'  ? true : false;
            $state['ajax_list_url'] = $ajax_list_url;
            $state['ordering_url'] = $ordering_url;
            $state['insert_title_url'] = $insert_title_url;

            return (object)$state;
        elseif( (empty($rsegments_array[3]) && empty($this->relation_field)) || (!empty($rsegments_array[3]) &&  $rsegments_array[3] == 'ajax_list'))
            $upload_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/upload_file');
            $ajax_list_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/ajax_list');
            $ordering_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/ordering');
            $insert_title_url  = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/insert_title');

            $state = array( 'name' => 'list', 'upload_url' => $upload_url);
            $state['ajax'] = isset($rsegments_array[3]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'ajax_list'  ? true : false;
            $state['ajax_list_url'] = $ajax_list_url;
            $state['ordering_url'] = $ordering_url;
            $state['insert_title_url'] = $insert_title_url;

            return (object)$state;
        elseif(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'upload_file')
            #region Just rename my file
                $new_file_name = '';
                //$old_file_name = $this->_to_greeklish($_GET['qqfile']);
                $old_file_name = $this->_convert_foreign_characters($_GET['qqfile']);
                $max = strlen($old_file_name);
                for($i=0; $i< $max;$i++)
                    $numMatches = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9.-_]+$/', $old_file_name[$i], $matches);
                    if($numMatches >0)
                        $new_file_name .= strtolower($old_file_name[$i]);
                        $new_file_name .= '-';
                $file_name = substr( substr( uniqid(), 9,13).'-'.$new_file_name , 0, 100) ;

            $results = array( 'name' => 'upload_file', 'file_name' => $file_name);
            if(isset($rsegments_array[4]) && is_numeric($rsegments_array[4]))
                $results['relation_value'] = $rsegments_array[4];
            return (object)$results;
        elseif(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && isset($rsegments_array[4]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'delete_file' && is_numeric($rsegments_array[4]))
            $state = array( 'name' => 'delete_file', 'id' => $rsegments_array[4]);
            return (object)$state;
        elseif(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'ordering')
            $state = array( 'name' => 'ordering');
            return (object)$state;
        elseif(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'insert_title')
            $state = array( 'name' => 'insert_title');
            return (object)$state;

Also url helper must be autoloaded or loaded to uri checking function.