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Dynamic Database Connection using variables


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Posted 03 October 2013 - 20:15 PM

I am trying to pass a variable into $this->load->database($connectdb)


The idea is that a user will log into a webpage and based on the user their database credentials will be located in database.php.  The variable $connectdb will contain the correct login info so that the user can only access specified tables in the database.  Here is my code:


<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Main extends CI_Controller {

    function __construct()




    public function index()

                if ($_POST["username"] == "root")

                if ($_POST["username"] == "user1")

                if ($_POST["username"] == "user2")

        $connect = @mysql_connect("localhost", $_POST["username"], $_POST["password"]);//won't display the warning if any.
        if (!$connect)
                echo 'Server error. Please try again sometime. CON';
                print("<a href=\"http://v-admindb/ci/index.php/main/employees?username=".$_POST["username"]."\">Employees</a>");
                echo "<br>";
                print("<a href=\"http://v-admindb/ci/index.php/main/visitors?username=".$_POST["username"]."\">Visitors</a>");
        }//Just an example to ensure that we get into the function

    public function employees()
$output = $this->grocery_crud->render();


    public function visitors()
        $output = $this->grocery_crud->render();

    function _example_output($output = null)




When I try to login I get the error:

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined variable: connectdb

Filename: controllers/main.php

Line Number: 12

An Error Was Encountered

You have not selected a database type to connect to.



I'm guessing this has to do with variable scopes but I'm not sure.  I am very new at php/oop in general so any help you can give would be appreciated!


Thanks Eric




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Posted 04 October 2013 - 10:43 AM


I don't think you can do things that way. There are a couple of problems, maybe more.


A class constructor is executed when the object is instantiated so if you want it to use a variable it must be provided when the class is called. So in your code you would have

$object = new Main($var1, $var2...)

Then your class Main would be defined

class Main ($var1,$var2...)

  protected $_var1;
  protected $_var2;

public function __construct($var1, $var2...)
    $this->_var1 = $var1;
    $this->_var2 = $var2;

//Then define your methods


In your case you are trying to use $connectdb before it is given a value




You are not calling the CG class




You seem to be trying to use completely different databases for "employees" and "visitors" rather than different tables in the same database




Your use of "if ($_POST["username"] == "user1")" etc hard codes the users into the code


I think you need to think again about the design and maybe read up a bit more on the use of classes in php  :) 

Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 10 October 2013 - 12:50 PM

Well.. this is quite possible

i have had a certain scenario earlier long back and have had provided a solution to the same based on the requirement.


In order to achieve the system


you need to make a certain alterations

1 - in models/grocery_crud_model.php
//add a variable to handle the user db - connection
protected $userDB = null;

2 - in the constructor of the same add the following piece of code
$this->userDB = $this->db;
//This will - by default get hooked to the default database..

3 - add a function 
function setUserDB($db_connection) {
       $CI =& get_instance();
       $CI->userdb =& $this->load->database($userDb, TRUE);
       $this->userDB =& $CI->userdb;

4 - all the place in the code where it uses $this->db ... alter it to $this->userdb

//This way we ensure a dynamic connection instead of static connection

5 - now in the GC library  - add a function
public function setUserDBForClient($client_info) {
        $userDb = array();
        $userDb['hostname'] = $client_info[0]['db_hostname'];
        $userDb['username'] = $client_info[0]['db_username'];
        $userDb['password'] = $client_info[0]['db_password'];
        $userDb['database'] = $client_info[0]['db_database'];
        $userDb['dbdriver'] = 'mysql';
        $userDb['dbprefix'] = '';
        $userDb['pconnect'] = FALSE;
        $userDb['db_debug'] = TRUE;
        $userDb['cache_on'] = FALSE;
        $userDb['cachedir'] = '';
        $userDb['char_set'] = 'utf8';
        $userDb['dbcollat'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
        $userDb['swap_pre'] = '';
        $userDb['autoinit'] = TRUE;
        $userDb['stricton'] = FALSE;

/// from the controller - the required information about the db login details can now be passed to this function and get the required solution


Happy GCing :)