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Error Messages


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 14:09 PM

Hello admins and fellow users of grocery CRUD and CI.  I'm still a beginner.  HOw can I change the error messages (the errors there in the 1st pic) into something like the one in your registration form dear Admin (the second pic)? Can you help me? please. . .


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Posted 09 October 2013 - 15:25 PM

can someone help me with this one?  :unsure:

Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 10 October 2013 - 12:11 PM

Hi there,


Welcome to GC Forums,


Grocery crud dose an server side validation based on the rules defined.


Well the solution to your issue as i can suggest - this is purely done / managed by some client side library like jquery validator or so.

There are 2 ways to your solution

1 - use jquery validator (add the jquery validator script  - either by set_js / or by adding it to the theme if you plan to use it all place

- Create the required script that will control / configure your jquery validations in the form / manage the balloon display of errors add add it using set_js - that way before your form gets submitted - all error handling can be taken care @client level itself


2 - the ajax form submission and error handling is all the javascript functionality - u can deeply dug into the same and alter it as per your requirement (this is much tougher then the earlier one. Hence will recomend u go for the first solution)


Happy GCing :)


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Posted 10 October 2013 - 15:10 PM

Hi there,


Welcome to GC Forums,


Grocery crud dose an server side validation based on the rules defined.


Well the solution to your issue as i can suggest - this is purely done / managed by some client side library like jquery validator or so.

There are 2 ways to your solution

1 - use jquery validator (add the jquery validator script  - either by set_js / or by adding it to the theme if you plan to use it all place

- Create the required script that will control / configure your jquery validations in the form / manage the balloon display of errors add add it using set_js - that way before your form gets submitted - all error handling can be taken care @client level itself


2 - the ajax form submission and error handling is all the javascript functionality - u can deeply dug into the same and alter it as per your requirement (this is much tougher then the earlier one. Hence will recomend u go for the first solution)


Happy GCing :)


Dear GC Master
I am comfused sir.  I dont have any idea of what are you saying sir. Can you help me step-by-step sir? Im just a novice sir. Sorry
Sir, how about when I add/update/delete data, the success message will pop-up.  How can I do this sir? Something like alert box.
  Thanks in advance GC Master 

Json Sean

Json Sean
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Posted 01 November 2017 - 05:36 AM

Here is the way to custom error message when editing :


1、modify Grocery_CRUD.php

protected function db_update($state_info)
  if($this->callback_before_update !== null)
    $callback_return = call_user_func($this->callback_before_update, $post_data, $primary_key);

    if(!empty($callback_return) && is_array($callback_return))
      $post_data = $callback_return;
    elseif($callback_return === false)
     return false;
+   }elseif( is_string($callback_return))
+   {
+     return array('status' => false,'message' => $callback_return);
+   }



protected function update_layout($update_result = false, $state_info = null)
  if($update_result === false)
     echo json_encode(array('success' => $update_result));
+  }elseif(isset($update_result['status'])){
+    //TODO:custom error
+    $error_message = '<p>'.$update_result['message']. '</p>';
+    echo json_encode(array(
+    'success' => $update_result['status'] ,
+    'error_message' => $error_message,
+    ));
+  }





  dataType: 'text',
  cache: 'false',
  beforeSend: function(){
  success: function(result) {
  data = $.parseJSON(result);
  if (data.success) {

      if ($('#save-and-go-back-button').closest('.ui-dialog').length === 0) {
        window.location = data.success_list_url+'?type=edit';
      } else {

      return true;

+  }else if (!data.success & data.error_message != null){
+    //TODO: custom error message
+    form_error_message(data.error_message);
+  } else {
 error: function(){
   form_error_message( message_update_error );




3、in you callback function, just return the string of your error message:

function before_xxx_update_callback($post_array, $primary_key) {
  if( error ){
    $message = 'error message';
    return $message;

  return $post_array;

To make it extendibility , you may define Cutom_Grocery_CRUD.php extending Grocery_CRUD.php , then modify Cutom_Grocery_CRUD.php.


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Posted 18 June 2020 - 00:10 AM

Thank you Json!!! this hack works great!


Some notes:

1 (first block): You may want to include the lines also inside the branch for callback_after_update if you need to support custom error messages in those kind of callbacks. Modify also db_insert (for insert/clone operations) and db_delete functions if you want to have the same custom message behaviour on their respective callbacks.

1 (second block): There is a trailing ',' behind $error_message and that mess the json decoding. It should be like this:

echo json_encode(array(
 'success' => $update_result['status'] ,
 'error_message' => $error_message

2-> Find correspondent js inside the theme used for displaying the form, i.e. assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/js/flexigrid-edit.js. Also you may want to do the same in -add.js file:


else if (!data.success & data.error_message != null)
    alert( message_insert_error );