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Setting Image Title from the Image Original name

Gerson Ruiz

Gerson Ruiz
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Posted 16 April 2014 - 20:39 PM

Help with Image Crud.

Hey guys. What I'm trying to do is to set the title for the images in a database (I'm trying to follow example 4, images with title that comes for default with the library) but I'm trying to set the title from the original name of the picture... I don't wanna do this manually because I already spent so much time renaming the images according to requirements and believe me... It's a lot of pictures. About 2,000.


I'm trying to Follow the code but cannot find the method in which the library does the insert in the database... Can you give me a hand with this? 

Martin Lobato

Martin Lobato
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Posted 17 February 2017 - 17:42 PM

Im trying to do the same thing here, Im uploading images of products, and I need this pic to have the same name as the product plus an incremental number or random I dont really care, but I need to rename them to the very same product name to identify them. with grocery crud I can do that, but only updloads one image in fact we have an excelent help on the documentation, but here on imagecrud I cannot do that.