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Relational N to N Custom

André Melo

André Melo
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Posted 14 May 2014 - 22:10 PM

Hello, everybody. 
I am developing a simple website using CI + GroceryCrud, and have the following tables: 


Using the set_relation_n_n Grocery Crud, works perfectly, but as the aim here is to select images, nothing better than having a visual indication. 
I am developer of Python, and Django framework, it has a very interesting feature, which is using jquery to generate fields that will be saved in the intermediate table (in my case tbl_site_pages_images). 
This is a print of how it renders this type of relationship.
Ie, it generates a thumbnail shows a "magnifying glass" to open a pop to the picture list, and clicking on the desired image, it closes the pop and adds the ID of the image in the input field. 
I do not know how to do this in Grocery Crud. Does anyone have idea how to do, and if you can do this? 
Thanks for listening! (Sorry, im not speak english)


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 09:20 AM

My case is similar to yours. I have a table 'Museums' and each museum has N 'Categories', a category can be related to N museums.


This tutorial helped me a lot:






Just one thing that is not clear on the tutorial, the field marked as (7) is the order criteria. (maybe priority is not clear enough, the author should give a better example or add a little more explaination on this, but except for that, it worked like a charm :) )


Hope it helps to you too