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field error for dropdown using flexigrid


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 11:44 AM

just a small fix to allow also ddm's to be highlighted when the field has an error:


in flexigrid-add.js and flexigrid-edit.js look for the line:


and just after it add a new line:


in flexigrid.css change:



input.field_error, a.field_error

now when for example you have a dropdown with an error on the validation it will also get the red border.


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Posted 15 February 2015 - 04:03 AM

Sorry but the suggestion does not seem to work either for flexigrid or the datatables theme


I have same issue with text area and drop down fields

These do not get highlighted with red border when in error 


Pls. suggest a solution for fields in error to be highlighted when error - specifically for text area and drop down fields. For input type text fields highlighting works normally


I also use unset_texteditor for the textarea field ( MySql datatype 'text').  For testing I commented unset_texteditor to see the text area with all formatting options. It made no difference.