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upload field upload to different folder


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Posted 18 November 2015 - 15:38 PM


i need multiple file fields for crud, i can easily do that, but every file should go to a different folder, there will be a folder for every record.

i couldn't managed to do this with grocery crud,

is there a way to do that ?

Paul Savostin

Paul Savostin
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Posted 19 November 2015 - 01:12 AM

hi! imagine u have table posts and table post_imgs.


posts        post_imgs

id              id



for every post record u write add_action function where u get and upload files per post_id

in that function u could choose how u implement filename per folder

option1 - when click add record with upload field per post_id just create record, folder with ID created record and redirect to

edit link of this record, this way u will have ID of record and can set in upload_path someting like UPLOAD_POST_IMGS_PATH.'/'.ID

option2 - same but when add file record per post u set upload path to some temp folder, and after u save record in callback_after_insert u create folder with inserted ID and move file from tmp folder to that created folder. in edit stay upload_path u will be already have. all states u can easily monitoring with GC. one gotchas here, in upload state u dont have primary_key of record so before it u can write ID in session

hope u understood:)