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Image CRUD only rendering on example controller


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 13:01 PM

Hello everyone!


In advance, thanks to the developers that are maintaining this projects! :)


I'm running into an issue. I'm trying to generate an image gallery in Codeigniter. I tried to run the example controller and it goes fine, but when I try to run the same code on a custom controller, the render() function doesn't return anything. I tried to debug the code, and it seems that $state_info variable is empty too, so it doesn't enter to the switch, and so it doesn't return anything.


I've seen too that getState() function isn't entering in any of the conditions. I was using Codeigniter remap on the custom controller. I'm using remap with custom routes in another controller (that doesn't uses Image CRUD) and it's working well, so I think it's not Codeigniter's problem. Furthermore, I tried to just copy the example controller and change only it's name, but it isn't rendering anything neither! :mellow:


I'm running Codeigniter 3.0.3. I don't have any default controller, so the URL that I'm writing is basically the same when I call the example controller and the custom controller. The copied controller points also to the example databases, and it isn't working anyway. :(


If you need any part of my code to see it, I can attach it without any problems. Right now, I just don't know what part to attach, so I'll wait for your response.

Martin Lobato

Martin Lobato
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Posted 23 December 2016 - 17:57 PM

I run into same problem !