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Autofills add fields on dropdown change


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Posted 23 April 2012 - 03:59 AM


Is there a way to add a functionality that will autofill some fields on a form on dropdown change.
I have a customer table and a service request table, I have set a relation between this 2 table. But I want is to get the data from the customer table so if I select on a dropdown list of customer. on change it will autofill the address and other fields.

BTW grocery CRUD is the best CRUD i have seen so far.


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Posted 23 April 2012 - 06:04 AM

This you can do it with javascript and jquery with a custom view:
so for example you can have:

url: 'whatever',
success: function(result){

Ok I just write this script on my mind but you get the point ;)


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Posted 23 April 2012 - 09:11 AM

Thanks Johnny. Can this do? I'm just new to programming and I'm not that good in jQuery/javascript..
Can I just echo this on my controller before going to the form.
echo "$('input[name=customer_name]').change(function(){
url: 'example/getAddress/'.$('input[name=customer_name]'),
success: function(result){
and how can I past the input to the another url to get the the values.

on another page:

function getAddress($where){
$query=$this->db->query('Select address,zipcode from Customer where
customerid =' .$where) ;

how to format the result to json so I can return it to other fields.