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set_relation_n_n priority field when add

Abdullah Alshiekha

Abdullah Alshiekha
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Posted 14 May 2016 - 16:17 PM

I have a question about set_relation_n_n priority field 
my code is :

$crud->set_relation_n_n('Bus_Stops','busstops_route','busstops','route_id', 'busstops_id','{busstops_name}','order');

when I add a new item it is by default taking alphabetical order of the busstops_name field but when I drag and drop any busstop up or down in the menu it is taking the order as i want . 

my question is how can I stop default ordering by busstops_name field and make it take the order as I clicked on the items

I have attached the photo 
Thank You in advance 
