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Laravel version web application


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Posted 15 March 2017 - 06:18 AM



Chandra admin template :-  This backend admin template is the ultimate one among all other backend admin templates as it is used the most popular version of LARAVEL. This backend admin template is used for the applications of any management like project management etc with the features such as : Multiple color schemes, used charts to show progress of that particular management. Also it included with more than 40 pages , more than 100 components, it is also fully responsive and looks great in Desktops, Tablets & Mobile devices. It is powered with the versions like PHP, HTML & CSS also it is compatible with any of the browsers.  If any would like save their time with in-built blade templates, users management, they surely have this product with them as it can save lot of hours to work so that one can takeup on other project. This admin template has gained number of positive impressions who could purchased this template, we hope you are one among them and rocks their project management with this great backend template.