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Assets not loading correctly?


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Posted 26 May 2017 - 00:13 AM

Nevermind, fixed it - base URL wasn't set correctly in the config file




I came across grocerycrud and decided to give it a try. Followed all steps to install, everything loaded fine from the database, etc, except for the assets aren't loading the css, javascript...When looking at the source code it displays the paths correctly from there such as: 


<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="localhost/web/assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/css/flexigrid.css" />


but when I click that link to see if it'll direct me to the flexigrid.css file, it displays a 404 File Not Found and the URL structure is this:


Using the latest version of CodeIgniter and latest of grocerycrud....I'm sure this is a simple fix but I'm not familiar enough with a framework to locate it easily yet...